DNA Skin Health
DNA Skin Health test
Your skin's job is to protect your body from external harm. By taking good care of your skin, you also take care of the rest of your body.
With the help of the DNA Skin Health gene test, you get versatile information and recommendations on how to best support your skin’s well-being with the right nutrition, supplements and treatments. The test looks in particular at those gene variations that play a significant role in the health of the skin.
We offer genetic test reports in English, French, Swedish, and Finnish.
198 €
(incl. VAT 25,5%)
You can also pay in installments by selecting Walley from the payment options.
Skin Health test areas:
- Skin structure and type
- Antioxidant protection and hypersensitivity
- Skin protection and regeneration ability
- Detoxification
- Skin sensitivity and inflammatory factors
In the report you will get a clear analysis of your genetic heritage based on the various aspects of your skin’s well-being. The report also includes food and supplement recommendations that support your skin health.
Would you like your test results in a paper version or in multiple languages?
If you would like to order the test report in a paper version by mail (+85 € including postage) and/or would like your test results in multiple languages (+25 € per additional language), please contact our customer service by sending an email to info@nordicgenex.com.