FAQ - DNA tests
A DNA test examines your inherited genome under laboratory conditions.
By analyzing different gene variations, we can identify enzymes, receptors, transporters, and hormones that function slightly differently than in the general population. However, this does not necessarily mean that these variations always cause health problems. Although different gene variations create a network of genetic biochemical weaknesses and strengths, the study of gene variations alone does not tell about the realization of genetic risks and opportunities.
Genetic polymorphisms can also help understand the causes of inherited diseases and health problems within families. By knowing your own genetic weaknesses and strengths, you can to some extent deduce the genetic characteristics your children have inherited from you. It is also possible to predict the probabilities of developing different health problems to some extent, especially if environmental factors are unfavorable for a particular issue. Additionally, genetic polymorphisms can explain why a supposedly necessary medical intervention does not work or why it leads to adverse effects.
Depending on your interest, tests can be done, among other things, to identify potential health risks, to understand your potential in terms of performance, to find out the diet that matches your metabolism, and generally to give recommendations for a healthy lifestyle based on your genome.
Genetic test results should always be compared to prevailing environmental factors (such as diet, nutrient intake, indoor air quality, etc.) as well as laboratory tests that measure the current functioning of the body (such as B12 levels, insulin, PEF [peak expiratory flow] and blood pressure). Symptoms should also be taken into account. When this type of health information is analyzed together, you will get a much more comprehensive picture of the significance of the identified genetic polymorphisms to current health and well-being.
Genetic tests are therefore just one, albeit unchanging, part of a holistic health assessment. They shed light on the foundations upon which your health has been built since fertilization of the ovum, and they continue to have an impact on your health until the end of your life. The results of DNA tests can sometimes be somewhat tricky to understand, but our professionals can help you with any questions. However, one of the cornerstones of Nordic Genex is to provide customers with reports that are easy to understand and offer practical advice.
DNA tests can be useful to you whether the results are positive or not. For some people, the test results are a good tool for better sports performance. For others, information obtained from tests may provide relief when some health risk exposures can be mapped. Testing can also motivate lifestyle changes or support a good quality of life. Of course, testing can also make it easier for doctors to make health supporting decisions. For example, based on the results, the frequency of monitoring can be decided if the patient is susceptible to some hereditary diseases. Information on susceptibility can also be utilized when designing health-related guidelines for weight management and exercise.
Generally speaking, genetic testing has a very small risk of negatively affecting physical health. However, for some people, testing and reviewing results may be more challenging mentally.
It should be noted that DNA testing cannot tell you about all the diseases or risks that you have inherited. For example, an unfavorable gene variation does not necessarily mean that you will develop related health issues. Genetic variation indicates an elevated hereditary risk that can be affected by food and lifestyle.
People can have many reasons for taking the DNA test. Nowadays, more and more people are taking the test to better understand their own genetic heritage and how it can lead to a healthier and longer life. Genetic analysis is also used a lot in sport when it comes to optimizing exercise and getting the best out of one’s diet. Nordic Genex’s offering is focused on these areas. Nordic Genex’s trained professionals can help you choose the product that suits you and your needs.
A genetic test can never determine whether there is a deficiency in a specific nutrient. The genetic test can indicate a potential increased risk for deficiencies, but it does not confirm the occurrence of actual deficiencies. To assess the current state of health, additional clinical laboratory tests or therapeutic trials are always necessary alongside the genetic test.
Each gene in our cells (except red blood cells) has two copies, one inherited from the mother and one from the father.
Homozygosity means that the genes inherited from the parents are (for the studied gene variation/SNP) identical. In a genetic test result, homozygosity is indicated by two identical letters. Heterozygosity, on the other hand, means that the inherited variations of that gene from the parents are different from each other. In a genetic test result, heterozygosity is indicated by two different letters.
The term “wild type” refers to the most common “natural” gene variation found in a population. The “wild type” does not affect the interpretation of a genetic test result; it simply provides a rough indication of the genotype that is most commonly found among the tested individuals. However, it’s important to note that the mention of “wild type” in a database may not always be accurate, as the “wild type” can vary depending on the population or subgroup being studied. For example, professional athletes may have a different “wild type” for certain genes compared to the general population.
As with most genetic polymorphisms, the genotype of the “wild type” cannot be classified as either good or bad. Genetic polymorphisms typically offer biochemical advantages in some traits, but at the same time, they may compromise other traits.
This explains why “undesirable” gene variations have not disappeared through evolution in modern society. Under favorable environmental conditions, even a “poor” genetic variation can provide a survival advantage. Therefore, the “goodness” or “badness” of a gene variation is not absolute or universally applicable at all times; it must be compared to the environmental factors affecting the individual at that moment.
This can also be reversed: by knowing our own gene variations and possible polymorphisms, we can strive to choose the most favorable environmental factors for the individual, which offer the greatest health benefits with minimal drawbacks. This is the fundamental goal of measuring gene variations, although its practical implementation is often not straightforward.
There are a lot of different types of tests on the market. The cheapest tests only include a few genes. The most expensive tests can cost up to EUR 2,000. Tests of Nordic Genex cost around 200-350 EUR. Our trained network of professionals also offer personal interpretations and consultations as additional services, although our reports are very easy to understand.
You can easily order a DNA test from our retailers or online store. If you have any special requests, you can also contact us directly by email or by using our contact form.
We hope you will send the sample within 24 hours. The sample will remain good during postal delivery.
You can take the test for the child. In case of the young child, it can be challenging to secrete saliva into the tube. For children under 6 years of age, we recommend taking the sample as a mucous membrane sample, i.e. with a cotton swab. If ordering the test from a retailer, please mention this to them so we can send the correct sampling device. If you order through the online store, send us a message via the contact form or by e-mail that you want a mucosal sampling device in connection with the order in question.
You’ll get results approximately within 4 weeks after we have received the sample. Samples are analyzed in reliable international laboratories specialized in DNA sequencing.
After your test results and report are completed, you will receive an email with a link to the server where you can download your report. To download your report, you need a password that will be sent to your phone via SMS. Your report is on our server in pdf format. Be sure to allow pop-ups in your computer for this feature. If you are not sure whether the function is allowed, enter the word Pop-ups in the search function of your computer, and you will be able to see the settings.
Taking a test sample is really easy. We will send the sampling tool set to the address you provide with clear instructions on how to take the sample. A test sample is taken from saliva. If taking a saliva sample is difficult, e.g. from children or in some other special cases, please let us know when ordering so that we can send the right type of sampling device.
To return the sample, you use the same box in which you received the sampling equipment. When returning the sample, the box must contain a signed form, carefully filled out and signed. Place the lid with the return address on top of the box. Close the box carefully with a tape. Remember to save the reference number associated with your sample. One easy way is to take a picture of the completed form with your phone.
In addition to your name and contact information, the form asks for the names of the test or tests you ordered. We need your contact information for communication after the results are ready. In addition, the form asks for your gender, where you bought the test, the language used in the test report, and the serial numbers and reference numbers related to the sample.
Serial number: The serial number is located on the saliva and mucus sample tubes. If the sampling tool is cotton swabs in a paper envelope, the serial number can be found on the label on the paper envelope.
Reference number: The reference number sticker is located on the lid of the box of the saliva sampling device. In mucosa samples, the reference number is glued to the tube.
Test results are reliable and all interpretations are based on scientific researches and work of our scientific team.
Nordic Genex will only provide test results to the people who have provided their contact information for this purpose. The test report does not show the full name, address, or other personal information of the tested person. Test results will not be given to third parties except in the case that an official governmental authority would require it by law. The sample report number and related personal information is stored only in the Nordic Genex database and there is no possibility for external access. Test results could be used anonymously for scientific and statistical research. The raw data collected is stored anonymously and is the property of Nordic Genex. Upon request, we can remove all your data from our data base.
Interpretations of our tests are offered by e.g. doctors and nutritional therapists. You can find more information about the services offered by our representatives by sending a e-mail to info@nordicgenex.com. The doctors in our network naturally also offer medical services.
FAQ - BioAge
The BioAge test is not a genetic test related to your heredity. Instead, it is a methylation analysis that measures your biological age using the DNA Methylation Clock. DNA methylation refers to a reaction directed at DNA, i.e. the addition or substitution of methyl groups (-CH3) to a compound. This process regulates gene transcription, determining whether a gene is turned on or off. Biological age has been shown to strongly predict future health status and lifespan. Importantly, lifestyle factors can influence gene expression and, consequently, the test results. By making changes that support your health, you can impact gene expression and improve your test outcomes.
The results can help you understand the key factors influencing your aging process. The test report analyzes the most significant risk factor negatively affecting your biological age, and in addition, you will receive information about other important risk factors presented in a clear and understandable format.
Determining and monitoring your biological age can help you observe changes over time and understand how diet, lifestyle modifications, and anti-aging treatments may impact your rate of aging.
You can expect to receive the results approximately eight weeks from the time your sample arrives at our laboratory. The samples are analyzed in international, specialized laboratories for genetic testing.
The sample collection process is straightforward and the sample collection kit provides clear instructions. The analysis for the BioAge test is conducted in a laboratory using a saliva sample, which is easily collected using a sample collection device that is delivered to your home.
To return the sample, you use the same box in which you received the sampling equipment. When returning the sample, the box must contain a signed form, carefully filled out and signed. Place the lid with the return address on top of the box. Close the box carefully with a tape. Remember to save the reference number associated with your sample. One easy way is to take a picture of the completed form with your phone.
FAQ - Blood test analysis
FAQ - Gut Microbiome
Sampling is easy. You will receive the sampling kit with instructions directly to your home within a couple of days after your order. A sample is taken from the stool. You can send the sample back to us using the same sample kit box. You will receive your results in about 4 weeks after your sample reaches us. The results you can download from our server using the e-mail link and password provided to you.
Nordic Genex genetic tests
Testing is the key to a better life
Good perceived health is influenced by several different factors. It has been studied that lifestyles and the influence of related choices is 40%, genetic inheritance 30%, environmental factors 20% and 10% of healthcare.